
All profits from bookstore sales support our non-profit organization. Purchasing a book about Humboldt County History, gifts, or ephemeral items from our bookstore is a great way to support the work we do!


Humboldt Historian Back Issues

Back issues of the Humboldt Historian are available in the bookstore or by phone order. Due to the wide variation in shipping and handling costs, issues cannot be purchased online. Please call (707) 445-4342 during open hours to place your order. Bulk discounts are available!

Book Reviews

New! Instead of the former short descriptions, we now have book reviews by archivist and local author, Pam Service. Check them out for information about our books.

Used Books & Memorabilia

We have added a selection of used books to the website. If you are looking for a particular book and don’t see it, please give us a call at 707-445-4342. We’ll be happy to check the shelves for you!

We have a small selection of vintage memorabilia including booklets from the Ingomar Club (Carson Mansion), the1964-65 Flood, the Humboldt County Centennial, and the dedication of the Humboldt County courthouse. Vintage yearbooks are also available. Please call 707-445-4342 or email for details and pricing.

If you have used books about Humboldt history that are in good condition and need a new home, please consider donating them to HCHS as an addition to our library, or for resale. This makes history even more available to the public while helping fund an institution that furthers that cause.

Shipping and Pick-Up Information

We generally mail books on the Friday following receipt of your order. If you choose to pick up your book(s), you will receive an emailed notification when your order is ready.

Book Prices

Members receive a 10% discount on all regularly priced books. Please do not use this option if you are not a member.

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Book of the Month
City of Wood
by James Michael Buckley

20% off during the month of March 2025
$36.00 - down from $45.00


When Money Grew on Trees: A.B. Hammond & the Age of the Timber Baron

When Money Grew on Trees: A.B. Hammond & the Age of the Timber Baron

from $26.95

     On the shelves of the Historical Society bookstore, there are a variety of books that shed light on many different aspects of Humboldt's history.  Some focus on certain individuals or communities, others have a broader scope dealing with issues that go beyond the borders of our county. In the latter category is When Money Grew on Trees: A. B. Hammond and the Age of the Timber Baron by Greg Gordon.

       Partly this is a biography of a man whose name is imprinted on our area's past. But this large, scholarly book is much more. In following the Hammond family's early years in conflict-ridden New England and Canada, we then move on to A. B. Hammond's own journey from Maine, to Pennsylvania, to Montana and finally on to the West Coast. We also follow the westward movement of the timber industry, the lure of gold and fur hunting and the protracted conflicts with the tribes native to those areas. Along side all that, we also see the continental expansion of rail roads, banking enterprises and the inevitable conflict between federal control and free-wielding capitalists.

      Rapidly acquiring timberlands and mills along the coast from southern California to Oregon, Hammond also ventures into Humboldt aiming to acquire Vance's holdings. For several chapters we are shown Hammond's activities in Humboldt and the rivalries between Hammond and the other timber barons over ownership of railroads and ship building plus the effects of several economic "panics" and the 1906 earthquake increasing demands for lumber.

      This thorough, well-illustrated book also explores the ecology of redwoods and the evolution of timber technology and transportation.  Chapters toward the end focus on employer/employee relations, contrasting the styles of our area's earlier timber barons such as Carson, Vance and Falk with their paternalistic supportive relationship with their employees versus the more cutthroat absentee managers such as Hammond. Strikes and battles over unionization and labor reforms are covered as well, as are the arguments over entering WW I and its effects on the timber and ship building industries. Then came the rise of environmentalism and the Save the Redwoods movement, further complicating Hammond's world. 

       After his death in 1933, Hammond was referred to as the product of the golden age of capitalism and "the last of the timber barons".  This book gives us a thorough and unique look at Hammond's time and the many conflicting forces that were woven through it -- nationally and locally.  It is well worth reading.

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Mills of Humboldt County

from $22.49
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The Ghost Forest: Racists, Radicals, and Real Estate in the California Redwoods

from $31.50
In the Land of the Grasshopper Song USED Grasshopper Song USED Back (2).jpg

In the Land of the Grasshopper Song USED

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California: A Slave State

from $31.50
A Scottish Syndicate in the Redwoods: Monopoly & Fraud in the California Redwoods, 1882-1892 Scottish Syndicate Back.jpg

A Scottish Syndicate in the Redwoods: Monopoly & Fraud in the California Redwoods, 1882-1892

from $13.45