
All profits from bookstore sales support our non-profit organization. Purchasing a book about Humboldt County History, gifts, or ephemeral items from our bookstore is a great way to support the work we do!


Humboldt Historian Back Issues

Back issues of the Humboldt Historian are available in the bookstore or by phone order. Due to the wide variation in shipping and handling costs, issues cannot be purchased online. Please call (707) 445-4342 during open hours to place your order. Bulk discounts are available!

Book Reviews

New! Instead of the former short descriptions, we now have book reviews by archivist and local author, Pam Service. Check them out for information about our books.

Used Books & Memorabilia

We have added a selection of used books to the website. If you are looking for a particular book and don’t see it, please give us a call at 707-445-4342. We’ll be happy to check the shelves for you!

We have a small selection of vintage memorabilia including booklets from the Ingomar Club (Carson Mansion), the1964-65 Flood, the Humboldt County Centennial, and the dedication of the Humboldt County courthouse. Vintage yearbooks are also available. Please call 707-445-4342 or email for details and pricing.

If you have used books about Humboldt history that are in good condition and need a new home, please consider donating them to HCHS as an addition to our library, or for resale. This makes history even more available to the public while helping fund an institution that furthers that cause.

Shipping and Pick-Up Information

We generally mail books on the Friday following receipt of your order. If you choose to pick up your book(s), you will receive an emailed notification when your order is ready.

Book Prices

Members receive a 10% discount on all regularly priced books. Please do not use this option if you are not a member.

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Book of the Month
City of Wood
by James Michael Buckley

20% off during the month of March 2025
$36.00 - down from $45.00


Little White Father: Redick McKee on the California Frontier

Little White Father: Redick McKee on the California Frontier

from $14.35

       By 21st century P.C. standards the title of one book at the Historical Society bookstore sounds a bit cringy. But Little White Father by Ray Raphael is quite the opposite.  It tells about the 1850 efforts by Redick  McKee, Federal Indian Agent for Northern California, to establish a treaty-based relationship between the indigenous peoples and those taking over their land.

       The chapters of this well-researched book outline the stages of McKee's project.  A deeply religious man, he was an organizer of several churches, a Sunday school teacher and a successful businessman.  He accepted the assignment and left his Virginia home to cross Panama by canoe and mule, then shipped north, eventually making it to Humboldt. 

       The next chapters, often quoting McKee's writings and others, detail his efforts to negotiate treaties between "The Great White Father in Washington" and the many Northern California tribes. With a naive faith in the basic goodness of man, he scarcely realized how much his efforts were hampered by his ignorance of tribal structures, customs and languages.  He felt he had succeeded with his proposal to move tribes off their lands to reservations that they had to share with often hostile tribes, where they could adopt  the "civilized" practices of farming and ranching.

       The book then follows in great detail how McKee's treaties and hopes for the Indian's future floundered and died under the forces of bureaucracy, politics, personal animosities and greed of the settlers and miners already flooding into California and then the cultural and physical genocide that followed.

       The author also scrutinizes McKee himself, his flaws and strengths, but the well documented picture presented in this book does make one wonder why there are not more volumes detailing this pivotal period of our history.  We should be grateful that this book, cringy title or not, is there.

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Under Siege!.jpg

Under Seige! The War on Italian Americans in 1942

Sale Price:$11.95 Original Price:$14.99
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We Are Dancing For You

from $27.00
Once & Future Forest.jpg

The Once and Future Forest: California's Iconic Redwoods

from $23.40
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Southwest Humboldt Hinterlands

from $53.95
Arcata Volunteer Fire Department, 1884-1984, the First Hundred Years (USED)

Arcata Volunteer Fire Department, 1884-1984, the First Hundred Years (USED)
