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Humboldt Historian Back Issues

Back issues of the Humboldt Historian are available in the bookstore or by phone order. Due to the wide variation in shipping and handling costs, issues cannot be purchased online. Please call (707) 445-4342 during open hours to place your order. Bulk discounts are available!

Book Reviews

New! Instead of the former short descriptions, we now have book reviews by archivist and local author, Pam Service. Check them out for information about our books.

Used Books & Memorabilia

We have added a selection of used books to the website. If you are looking for a particular book and don’t see it, please give us a call at 707-445-4342. We’ll be happy to check the shelves for you!

We have a small selection of vintage memorabilia including booklets from the Ingomar Club (Carson Mansion), the1964-65 Flood, the Humboldt County Centennial, and the dedication of the Humboldt County courthouse. Vintage yearbooks are also available. Please call 707-445-4342 or email for details and pricing.

If you have used books about Humboldt history that are in good condition and need a new home, please consider donating them to HCHS as an addition to our library, or for resale. This makes history even more available to the public while helping fund an institution that furthers that cause.

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Book of the Month
City of Wood
by James Michael Buckley

20% off during the month of March 2025
$36.00 - down from $45.00


City of Wood

City of Wood


By James M. Buckley.  Since, at first, it seems that the "city" referred to is San Francisco one might wonder why the book is here.  But the author, an architectural historian, comes to the history of redwood lumber from an unusual perspective.  As the dustjacket says, he "investigates the remote forest and the urban core as two poles of a regional ‘city’".

       Replete with photographs, maps and building plans, the book begins by explaining the author's multi-dimensional and very academic approach. Throughout the book, he explores the economic and physical interconnectedness of California's redwood industry; how land ownership, lumber felling technology, railroads, shipping, milling and the housing and treatment of workers all interacted and evolved over time and space. Briefly presenting the environmental and indigenous relationship with redwoods, the author then details the different skills and compensations for all the many jobs in the lumber industry and its varied products, he then goes into the many aspects of mill town and camp life and developing entrepreneurial competition.

        Much attention is indeed spent on Humboldt  county, enriched by contemporary newspaper and other accounts. Detailed focus is given to the Carson operations and those of other major players: covering daily activities in woods, mills and towns, the treatment of workers, architectural impacts, and Eureka's neighborhood development. 

       Some chapters also dwell on San Francisco and how that city developed in terms of  economics, architecture, labor and urban geography.  Then returning to the overall "city of wood" concept, we see how the entire California lumber industry evolved as concepts such as sustainability, environmental preservation, and new technologies entered the picture.  

       The topic of redwoods and the lumber industry has long been a major one in Humboldt's history.  This new book gives a refreshing and challenging new perspective on the subject.  Backed up with some 70 pages of endnotes, for a Humboldter it is well worth adding to one's library shelves.

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Ferndale Arcadia.jpg


from $22.49
California A Slave State Front.jpg California A Slave State Back.jpg

California: A Slave State

from $31.50
little white father.jpg

Little White Father: Redick McKee on the California Frontier

from $14.35
Pacific Coast Highway in California Pacific Coast Hwy Back.jpg

Pacific Coast Highway in California

Sale Price:$19.99 Original Price:$24.99
Eureka: An Architectural View

Eureka: An Architectural View

from $29.70