Both Sides of the Bluff - Limited Availability!

Both Sides of the Bluff - Limited Availability!
By Jerry Rohde. This title is out of print, but the author found a few extra copies for us to sell.
The bluff referred to is Table Bluff, and as Rohde says in his introduction to this first book in his series on Humboldt history it covers 31 locations in west-central Humboldt County more or less visible from the top of that bluff. Those locations include what are now major towns like Ferndale, Rio Dell and Fortuna to less known spots like Alton, Port Kenyon and Cannibal Island.
Rohde begins his book laying the historical groundwork before any of these locations were "founded" when it was the land of its indigenous inhabitants. Before the Euro American settlers arrived, there were several dozen distinct tribal groups speaking languages from three different language families -- one of the most diverse populations anywhere in America. For this book's focus, this means largely Wiyot and Bear River tribes for which Rohde presents the work of early ethnographers. The other chapters, deal with the specific local white/native interactions.
Then we go on to the communities -- not boring chronologies but highlighting the unique features of each place: Scotia with its lumber barons and company town, Rio Dell and its wild ways, Metropolitan not living up to its aspiring name, etc.
And on it goes into nearly 400 pages of compulsive reading with each community highlighting its interesting characters and characteristics plus quirky events. Each chapter includes extensive footnotes and sidebars along with special historic photographs. Extensive footnotes and appendixes come with each chapter as well.
Useful maps are found at the book's beginning while the book's end includes complete sources and a thorough index. Photographs enliven the book throughout. Perhaps all this makes the book sound heavy and dry. Heavy in terms of weight, yes. But not dry. For everyone loving Humboldt and all its nooks and crannies, this book is a delight. With Rohde's deep knowledge and engrossing style, the reader can't help but be drawn into each chapter. The Historical Society is delighted to have Both Sides of the Bluff back on its bookstore shelves.