““Ancient redwood forests store at least three times more carbon above ground than any other forests on earth,” according to findings by the Redwoods and Climate Change Initiative, an organization that includes researchers from Humboldt State University, UC Berkeley, and Save the Redwoods League.
Through photosynthesis redwoods are transforming carbon dioxide into biomass and the oxygen sustaining our lives. Today, threats to redwood forests include home-building, invasive species, vineyards, logging, fire suppression, habitat fragmentation, and accelerating climate change.
This being the one hundredth anniversary of Save the Redwoods League, and a turning point for the future of our planet, is an excellent moment to actively support protection of redwood forests.”
Missing Faces
Matina Kilkenny
The impact of the Spanish Influenza in Humboldt County, 1918-1919.
Travels of the Buhne Fence, 1884-2018
Chuck Petty
After 134 years and four locations, the Buhne Fence is offered a permanent home with the Eureka Heritage Society.
The Humboldt Women’s Save the Redwoods League
Suzanne Forsythe
Humboldt women played a major role in the creation of Humboldt’s first state redwood park, which was dedicated to “minister the destiny of mankind” - a role the redwoods fill more crucially now than ever before.
A Brief History of the Trinidad Pier
Bob Hallmark
The Hallmark family built the Trinidad Pier, which they operated for about 56 years.
The 1906 Earthquake: Recorded by Sarah Mackley of Ferndale
Introduction by Deborah Baskette
Sarah Elizabeth Palmer Mackley writes in her diary about how here in Humboldt the Great San Francisco Earthquake was at first thought to be a local phenomenon near Ferndale.
Life Lessons Amid the Three R’s
Gail Allen
Coming of age in Eureka and Freshwater during the Great Depression and the wartime years.