The Humboldt Historian

Summer 2017: Volume 65, No. 2

Anna Elizabeth Larson, Part IV: Life on Fickle Hill
Vivian Ziegler
Depression-era guests, a logging camp, a carbide light plant, a two-man, two-horse house move, and other adventures.

Four Boys from the Class of 1947
Garth, Ray, and Dale, USMC
Following World War Two, four young men answer the call to a peacetime draft.

Letters from the Todd House
Patsy Givins
What might a found cache of letters add to our understanding of history?

The Extraordinary Life of Squire Morrison
Jolene Hassenfritz
A small child miraculously survives a massacre in the back country, falls into slavery, and is rescued by two good Samaritans.

Father Gino, Pastor of the Mountains
James Pegolotti
Dynamically embracing the call to service over the decades.

Once a Humboldter, Always a Humboldter
Bob Libershal
Tracing the peregrinations of a house and its inhabitants, one of whom became a Humboldt booster-years after he moved away.

It is the last day of the 1930-31 school year. This is the first Fickle Hill Bus for the Arcata School District. It is a Model T Ford with a self-starter and two-speed Ruckstell axel. It has two benches for seating, a rear door, and a metal stairway on the back (not shown).

Pictured here, from left: Vivian Larson (Ziegler), Trevor Hunter, Alta Sequist, VIola Jensen, unknown, Alene Knowlton (or Aileen Knighton), Ethel May Jensen, (unknown first name) Roberts, Judd Knowlton (or Knighton). Caption by Vivian Ziegler. The final part of her mother’s life story begins here on page 10.
— On the Cover