Frank Ferguson: A Humboldter in Hollywood
James Pegolotti
A life of the longtime character actor and Ferndale native.
You Did Hear it from Me: The US Sanitary Commission
Louella Parsnips
Ms. Parsnips turns to a serious subject: caring for the Civil War wounded and dead.
Thomas E. Leavey: The Life and Legacies of a Humboldt County Native Son, Part II
Jim A. Beardsley
Continuing the story of Thomas Leavey, founder of Farmers Insurance, who grew up on a family dairy farm at West End.
Marine View Terrace
Karen Campbell Hendricks
Wartime housing for CBI workers would serve the Eureka community into the 1960s.
Mary Anderson Flower Titlow
Stuart Cotter, Robert Titlow, and John Warren
A young woman makes a life on the Humboldt frontier.
The Mighty Irene Showers
Kay McMullen
Privately known to her students as “Mighty Mite,” Irene Showers was a superhero of generosity.
Immigrating to America
Robert Gill
The Macchi & Malfatti families pass through Rio Dell on their journey to a new life.
“Native Ferndalian, Frank Ferguson, at the piano, accompanies Marlene Dietrich, a saloon singer, in the 1952 western, “Rancho Notorious.” The photograph appears courtesy of RKO Radio Pictures. Shot in Technicolor and directed by Fritz Lang, “Rancho Notorious” stars Marlene Dietrich as the matron of a criminal hideout, with Mel Ferrer as her love interest, and Arthur Kennedy as a man seeking to avenge the death of his fiancé. Dietrich was said to be dazzling in her role as the old time saloon mistress. She performs a song, “Get Away, Young Man,” which is most likely the scene depicted in the cover photo, with Frank Ferguson accompanying.”