Angelina Schmidt Fulkerson, Pioneer Woman
Julie Fulkerson
Through her life of thrift, imagination, and unceasing daily labors large and small, the author’s grandmother achieved independence and security for herself and her son, and, by way of inspiration, for her granddaughter.
The Presence of Past: Beyond the Visual Cortex
Jerry Rohde
Historical pleasures that defy progress.
You Didn't Hear it from Me: Jack London in Humboldt, A Hero to His Valet
Louella Parsnips
Jack London’s published version of his trip through Humboldt did not include any of the exciting encounters revealed here.
The Spinsters Matrimonial Club
Suzanne Forsythe
The cheerful “spinsters” enact an antiquated version of, and decide to depart for the Klondike.
4th of July in Humboldt, 1855-1865
Ann Hunt
Did Humboldt’s exuberant celebrations change during times of strife and war?
The Leen Family and a Kindness Remembered
Maurice Davison
Eureka Business College and O. Nilsen grocers each play important roles in this family story.
A Short History of the Upper Redwood Valley
Frank Anderson
A close-knit community on the shores of mid-upper Redwood Creek.
“Jack and Charmian London, with their valet, Nakata, driving through Humboldt in June 1911. London’s article about the journey appeared with this colorized photograph in the September 1911 issue of Sunset Magazine. Entitled “Navigating Four Horses North of the Bay,” the article covers the Londons’ trip from their home in Glen Ellen, Sonoma County, up the coast into Oregon, on the primitive mountain wagon roads of the day, driving their “lively team” of spirited saddle horses—King, “a polo pony”; Prince, “a manygaited love-horse”; Milda, “an unadulterated bronco”; and Outlaw, whose name says it all. Though they had been warned of bad roads from Marin County north, London insists that they “never found those bad roads. We seemed always to be just ahead of them or behind them.” “These comfortably large counties!” he writes as he arrives in Humboldt, “They are veritable empires... this region of the six counties alone will some day support a population of millions.” Thank heavens he was wrong about that. Read all about Jack London in Humboldt on page 18. Gossip maven Louella Parsnips has the scoop.”