A History in Pictures
Deborah Meador
A handstitched family album preserves important local history.
Natural Resources at Humboldt State College
Richard L. Ridenhour
Courses in natural resources are established for the first time at HSC, thanks to professors, local sportsmen, and a young researcher.
The Phillips Homestead at Showers Pass
Naida Olsen Gipson
More challenges, and a loss, await the Phillips family as their story continues from the Winter 2007 Historian.
The Coyote Flat Murders
Naida Olsen Gipson
Official skulduggery, unsolved killings.
School Days, School Days Dear Old Golden Rules
Mary Dawn Melendy
Memorable days of penmanship lessons, marching in step, single-women teachers, and “the strap.”
Tales from the Willow Creek Ice House
Mary Dawn Melendy
The art of ice-making in 1930s and 40s Willow Creek.
Lord Astor’s Round Table
Martha Beer Roscoe & Lynwood Carranco
“An early-day family, dressed in their best for a relaxingday of sightseeing, poses for a photograph in front of the grand “Hotel Sequoia.” The little girls in the “doorway” have decorated their straw hats with ferns and flora, after the fashion of the day, to resemble the grown-up hats of their mothers. The little boy, perched only momentarily, one senses, on a mound of sorrel, glances keenly up at the camera—apparently in response to a direction from the photographer. What important project is he working on—is he whittling something? A. W. Ericson took this photo, circa 1900.”