Humboldt Historian

Spring 2006: Volume 54, No. 1

Flapjacks for Lumberjacks
Deborah Meador
Old Hammond Lumber Company promotional pictures record a camp legend.

140 Years of Local Brass
Dr. Gilbert Cline
A richly detailed history of our local brass bands.

Flummery and Other Fine Recipes
Jerry Rohde
A fun review of the society's local recipe book collection.

A Hammond Lumber Company lumberjack enjoying a stack of hotcakes at a Hammond Lumber Camp Cookhouse. Making sure the lumberjacks had plenty of good tasting food and maintaining a clean and welcoming environment for which to eat was very important for at least one camp cook. A donation of wonderful promotional pictures gives us a look at the famous Hammond camp cook, Tony Gabriel. Read more about him on page 10. Eureka celebrates 150 years while Fortuna cel­ebrates 100 years. For local exhibits and planned activi­ties, go to page 32.
— On The Cover