Fire in the Mountain: The Beginning of the End of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad, Part I
Sean Mitchell
The NWPRR, once the economic lifeline to Humboldt County, opened one hundred years ago this October.
"Little Fawn": Dorothy Allen Gaby and the Indian Marathon of 1927
Wooden, with Adrian Gilkisen
Dorothy Allen of Orleans finds herself pronounced “Indian Princess of the Redwood Highway”and embarks on an unexpected adventure.
Loleta: A History
Jerry Rohde
A history of Loleta, adapted from Jerry Rohde’s new book, Both Sides of the Bluff: History of Humboldt County Places: 1.
History's Mysteries: The (Ongoing) Tragedy of Tanoaks
Barry Evans
The tanoak, once harvested to near-extinction on the West Coast, faces a new peril today.
You Didn't Hear it from Me: Switches in the Schoolhouse
Louella Parsnips
Old-time disciplinary method backfires.
My Father the Senator
Irwin Thomas Quinn, Jr.
The author’s father, born at Table Bluff, represented Humboldt County as State Senator, District 3, from 1936 to 1948.